Electro Motion UK (Export) Ltd

Electro Motion are the largest supplier in the UK of cost effective, high quality used machinery to the world, from individual items to complete workshops and from a one-man business to international corporations. The business first started from a warehouse/head office located in Leicester

Stock & Sales Database

Client: Electro Motion UK (Export) Ltd
Project Type: Database Application, Desktop Application
Skills: Design & Build, Support & Maintenance
Technologies: SQL Server, Visual Basic .NET, Crystal Reports
About Stock & Sales Database
Acumen Business Systems supply and support a custom database application that handles all stages of Electromotion's work, from procurement of a machine, through advertising, sales, final despatch and invoicing. Knowledge-based, the application knows how to tailor the specification of a machine depending on whether it's a Sander or a Grinder, a Press or a Welding Machine (or any of over 200 categories of machine). This is further enhanced by detailed databases of worldwide transportation methods and costs, support information on over 12,000 machinery instruction books and operator's manuals - and the entire stock database is published daily to Electromotion's website. The application also includes many wizards to assist staff and simplify some functions, there is a reminders facility to ensure that nothing is left to chance, a sophisticated report section so that staff, management and directors can fully analyse the business process and finally an administration centre to enable Electromotion to make changes to the application in response to changes in the market place.
Customer Testimonial
Electro Motion were pleased to again give Acumen their business to design and implement a new database for their entire stock system, we ended up with a database which does everything we had dreamed of and more besides. We are now working with Acumen on a new website.
Lorna Kesby, Electro Motion U.K. (Export) Ltd


Client: Electro Motion UK (Export) Ltd
Project Type: Database Application, Website
Skills: Design & Build, Support & Maintenance, Hosting
Technologies: ASP .NET, HTML, SQL Server, Visual Basic .NET
About www.electromotion.co.uk
The initial website design brief from Electro Motion included ‘Making the finding of stock easy and fast with intuitive navigation, the information to be presented in a clear, controlled and uncluttered manner with the corporate identity carried throughout’. Working with Electro Motion’s design ideas, Acumen developed a site to do just that and more! Users now have full access to all the machine tools, sheet metal fabrication machinery and wood working tools through the intuitive menu system or Stock Search facility (including an 'Advanced Search' option). There is a comprehensive selection of downloadable PDF content including stock lists, the latest brochure, specific machine details or viewing a HD video of one of the machines. Users can also register through the site, which allows them to submit enquiries for multiple machines via a single click of the mouse. These enquiries are then automatically synched with Electro Motion’s in-house desktop software to make the transition from website to desktop seamless! Note: Electro Motion asked Acumen to fully update the look, functionality and responsiveness of their website (this is the third time we have fully updated their website), the responsiveness means that users get the same smooth experience whether on a smartphone, tablet or PC. Another example of Acumen working with the customer to develop ideas and concepts which provide what the customer wants - on time and on budget!
Acumen Business Systems Ltd

16 The Boiler House,
Electric Wharf,
Coventry, CV1 4JU,
United Kingdom


3 Iris Avenue,
Nuneaton, CV10 7RT,
United Kingdom

Registered Address:

Bank Gallery,
High Street,
Kenilworth, CV8 1LY,
United Kingdom


+44 (0)2476 228 759
+44 (0)2476 633 694



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